High resolution Streak Camera



  • 400 – 900 nm spectral sensitivity
  • 5ps impulse response
  • 10ps trigger jitter
  • Trigger external or command
  • 5 to 50 ns analysis duration
  • 1024 x 1024, 12-bit readout camera
  • Controlled via Ethernet or Internet (Web page)
  • Option: high resolution read out cooling camera

The CBF500 is well suited for single shot analysis of ultra-fast optical phenomena with high dynamic.

All settings and data transfer can be remote controlled via Ethernet (10/100Mb/s) or Internet (Web page from Internal Web server).

The architecture of CBF500 is modular allowing to change module to meet your specific needs and requirements

A power full control panel Web page provides a simple method to configure the settings, to control the state of the instrument, and to display or store acquired data.

CBF500 is a licensed product under CEA contract.

Operating principle

The light phenomena are focused onto the photocathode of a streak tube. Photocathode converts the photon in a number of electrons proportional of the intensity of the light.

These electrons are accelerated, swept and after which they are bombarded the phosphor screen to create an image.

A digitizing system is coupling to the screen tube via fiber optics to read-out the image.

This system enables precise digital acquisition stored in image memory (raw data).

Data can be processed (analyzed and data corrected) and transferred via Ethernet to provide a two dimensional waveform data.